3 posts tagged


Alien Saboteaur - HTB Cyber Apocalyse 2023

Alien Saboteaur - HTB Cyber Apocalyse 2023

A quick writeup on a Virtual Machine Based CTF Challenge.

Flare-on 9 - Challenge 9 and 11

Flare-on 9 - Challenge 9 and 11

This year of flare-on is the third try and the first that I have ever completed so far! Definitely did have my share of pain and joy during this time of challenges. For this post, I will share my writeup on challenge 9 and 11.

Trying out z3 Solver (DUCTF2022 - EZPZ RE + pwn)

Trying out z3 Solver (DUCTF2022 - EZPZ RE + pwn)

I have always wanted to give z3 solver a try and had decided to use this for solving Ezpz from DUCTF2022.
