Malware Owl   (◎▼◎)

Malware Owl (◎▼◎)

Anything POC / Learning

A Quick Look at BlackWood DLL Loader

A Quick Look at BlackWood DLL Loader

Exploring VXUnderground and chanced upon a DLL Loader from 2024, and so why not take a look at it?

Relocation Table and Import Address Table (IAT) in Reflectively Loaded PE File

Relocation Table and Import Address Table (IAT) in Reflectively Loaded PE File

A dive into the fixing of Reloc table and IAT by creating a reflective loader.

Quick Study of Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD)

Quick Study of Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD)

Quick Study of BYOVD including Root Cause Analysis and how it can be abused by attackers to disable or evade security solutions.

Alien Saboteaur - HTB Cyber Apocalyse 2023

Alien Saboteaur - HTB Cyber Apocalyse 2023

A quick writeup on a Virtual Machine Based CTF Challenge.

A quick Look at a Dropper and Downloader

A quick Look at a Dropper and Downloader

Just a random quick analysis of a recent sample that was uploaded on VirusTotal. The first ever in this blog at least ...

Flare-on 9 - Challenge 9 and 11

Flare-on 9 - Challenge 9 and 11

This year of flare-on is the third try and the first that I have ever completed so far! Definitely did have my share of pain and joy during this time of challenges. For this post, I will share my writeup on challenge 9 and 11.

Trying out z3 Solver (DUCTF2022 - EZPZ RE + pwn)

Trying out z3 Solver (DUCTF2022 - EZPZ RE + pwn)

I have always wanted to give z3 solver a try and had decided to use this for solving Ezpz from DUCTF2022.

Understanding 64 bits Windows 10 Shellcode (Calc.exe) - Part 2

Understanding 64 bits Windows 10 Shellcode (Calc.exe) - Part 2

Now that we have an understanding about how shellcode works, let's write one ourselves now @.@
